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v形Ж, v形牙弓
rat bite  detail>>
 短语和例子   a V-belt 【机械工程】三角皮带。 A V sign 胜利手势〔向上伸出食指和中指的手势〕 (V = Victory)。 A V spo...  detail>>
v and t
脉量和脉压  detail>>
tapering arch  detail>>
magnetic v block v
型磁铁  detail>>
number in v v
向数量  detail>>
v of v formation
数个楔形小队组成的楔形队  detail>>
v peniciliin v,phenoxymethylpenicillin
青霉素  detail>>
v penicillin v phenoxymeth
盘尼西林青霉素  detail>>
v penicillin v;phenoxymethylpenicillin
青霉素  detail>>
v v cut
形开挖  detail>>
v v-belt
型皮带  detail>>
v v-engine
型发动机  detail>>
v-butt weld v
形坡口焊缝  detail>>
v-neck v
型领 形领窝  detail>>
v-type contact v
形触点  detail>>
v-v energy transfer
振动-振动能量传递  detail>>
v-v relaxation
振动-振动松弛  detail>>